CCUC Family – A call out to please honour your brother and sister

The season in which we find ourselves in is most unusual. It is also distressing for many and a time when anxiety levels have risen dramatically. 

It is a season to ‘rest’ in our faith in a faithful Father (as we have with young Elijah). To rest in our faith is to worship God wholeheartedly, trust in Him, to live our lives as Jesus lived His, to be faithful and obedient to the word.

We live in a community divided in its practice and belief about COVID. That reality is reflected in our faith community. Some adhere strongly to the health directives given by the government. Some believe strongly that it is dangerous to do so. And there are many who sit somewhere in between.

In the past, through announcements in the newsletter, at church during services and in special letters (like this) I have asked that you honour one another – that is, take regard for your brother and sister. If we don’t we run the danger of being arrogant in our faith and not loving our brother and sister. Continue reading “CCUC Family – A call out to please honour your brother and sister”