The Chief Guest

[Read and meditate on Revelation 3:14-22]

“If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with them, and them with me.”  (Revelation 3:20)

We are seeing that we are inescapably social beings. Whenever we try to live on a ‘they-I’ basis we live outside the basic laws of our being. We are made to relate not only to God but also to others. ‘It is not good for man to be alone’, said God in Genesis 2:18. Genesis 1:27 tells us, ‘So God created man in his image … male and female he created them’. Created in God’s image humanity is called to reflect that image through ‘male and female’. Some believe this refers to the institution of marriage, but it refers also to the larger issue that within the God-given joy of being unique individuals we can know what it is to be a true human only in relation to others. Our relationship with our fellow human beings as well as with God have helped to make us who we are. Those who do not feel they belong have no clear sense of identity. Continue reading “The Chief Guest”

Innisfail ‘Carols on the River’ will be in 2020
‘Carols on the Street’
Grab your phone, tablet, or set up a big screen in your front yard and join your family, friends and neighbours for Carols 2020 style in your street.
Search Youtube or Facebook for …..
“Innisfail Carols on the Street”  to live stream the online event.