Encounters with God are intended for more than you!

Kris Vallotton poses the question …. “Did you know that your encounters with God were intended for more than just you?”

He goes on to say … within our Bethel community, when we talk about “God encounters” or “encountering the Holy Spirit,” it’s often to describe the transformative experiences believers have with the Lord. Yet, sometimes, we’ve limited these encounters to physical manifestations, overlooking the profound internal work He accomplishes within us.

For years, I grappled with whether I was genuinely encountering God or not. I observed others around me experiencing the Lord through what appeared to be powerful, physical encounters—falling down, being slain in the Spirit, and rolling over in uncontrollable laughter. However, my experiences with God didn’t manifest in this way. There were no physical sensations or overwhelming emotions. Yet, the truth is, I’ve encountered God ever since my salvation; He has met and ministered to me in ways that transcend physical manifestations of His grace. And I assure you, the same holds true for you!

If you’ve given your life to Jesus and been transformed by His grace, you are living under an open Heaven, crafted for the Presence of God. He is eager to encounter you! Moreover, a beautiful consequence of encountering God is becoming a conduit for others to meet Him as well.