Advent is an invitation

Advent is more than a time of waiting. I believe it is also an invitation into an alternative way of being and alternative narrative  (story). 

An excerpt from ‘altǝr video magazine’ puts that invitation like this …“We believe there is an alternative narrative to the prevalent narrative of scarcity and fear.We believe God is moving and is behind an alternative narrative of abundance and freedom, a narrative in which fear gets defeated and love wins.

We believe God’s narrative requires we altǝr our perspective, that we step, in faith, into God’s upside down reality.  In God’s reality we listen for, live and speak God’s upside down voice of faith, hope, peace, joy and love, not striving for ourselves but serving our neighbour. “

Advent, I believe, has imbedded in it a call to repentance – to alter our perspective so that we come into step with God’s reality. In so doing it becomes a springboard into the alternate adventure that God has in mind for us.

The art of intolerance

Rev Craig Mischewski reflects …
I have been spending a lot more time in prayer and reading Scripture of late, and in my time in the prophet Isaiah I read this text.  In light of the current proposals from the Assembly, I feel that the text speaks into this situation.

Isa 19:22  “And the LORD will strike Egypt, He will and heal it, they will return to the LORD and He will be entreated by them and heal them…” Continue reading “The art of intolerance”