The art of intolerance

Rev Craig Mischewski reflects …
I have been spending a lot more time in prayer and reading Scripture of late, and in my time in the prophet Isaiah I read this text.  In light of the current proposals from the Assembly, I feel that the text speaks into this situation.

Isa 19:22  “And the LORD will strike Egypt, He will and heal it, they will return to the LORD and He will be entreated by them and heal them…” Continue reading “The art of intolerance”

“Do not be afraid to fail ~ be afraid to not try”

Mindset Matters

Over the years as you pursue a relationship with Jesus you discover a few treasures, by that I mean, truths or understandings that really make a difference in being a ‘son’ of God. You could say the penny dropped or the light went on, however, I like to put it  like this, that, as you search out God’s treasure a curtain gets drawn back on a truth that always existed in the heart of God. 

Some of those treasures have been coming to an understanding that ‘There is no normal’ there is just life with God; I am either a  ‘Victim or Volunteer’ in every situation; and ‘I am a new creation’ completely  transformed and made a clean. Another truth or revelation has been that Mindset matters – how we think about who we are matters!  Continue reading “Mindset Matters”