The Imposter Syndrome

In a blog by Steve Backlund he says …… Imposter syndrome is a psychological occurrence in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent, internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud. 

One of the things my wife, Wendy, often shares is this: “You can only receive what you believe you are worth.” Whether it’s finances, favor, or power, once we get blessed beyond what we believe we are worth, we tend to self-sabotage our lives back down to the level at which we believe we deserve to be.

I have certainly experienced this in my own life. When I’ve gone to a higher level, it has put pressure on the strongholds in me that want to limit me and tell me I am not worthy or capable. The “accuser of the brethren” (the devil) works with those strongholds and often uses negative comparison to focus on what we’re not rather than what we are.  Continue reading “The Imposter Syndrome”

The science behind walking in courage

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” – George Addair

What is standing between you and your dreams? For most of us the answer is simple. Fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear that questions, “Am I enough? Do I have what it takes? Will I fail?”

The problem with dreams is that they usually lie on the other side of the unknown. If there is one quality each of us need to step into this year to see dreams fulfilled and to see breakthrough like we’ve always wanted to see, it’s COURAGE.

But how do you walk in courage when facing overwhelming odds? I have good news for you – the source isn’t you. True courage doesn’t come from your own inner grit and determination. You don’t have to muscle it up or charge forward with your eyes clenched tight in terror. 

Courage comes from the presence of the Lord.
He is with you.
Continue reading “The science behind walking in courage”

Shaped by history, or shaping history?

Kris Vallotton in a blog 14th September 2022 quotes a comment his son Jason made while they were have a conversation about ‘Becoming a man that shapes History’. Jason says …

“Your purpose in life comes out of your identity, so if you never really figure out who you are and how you were made then you spend the rest of your life chasing things you were never supposed to be chasing.”

Kris goes on to add something I believe is very important …
                      The truth is there is a big difference between
                            working from love and working for love. 

If you are working so that you have an identity, you will never be able to work hard enough, long enough, or well enough to find fulfilment in yourself.

I’d propose that, if you want your life’s actions to produce a legacy that nourishes the future generations, you need to consider your internal motivator – are you working from a place of performance or a place of love? This will be the fruit that feeds the future generations.

A life of discouragement or a life of favour

Discouragement seems to so often grip us – even though we might consider ourselves mature in faith and able to stand strong in the tides of life. Discouragement among other things takes the wind from our sails – even though it is the breath of God who breathes life into them. 

It never ceases to amaze me how one sharp comment or disapproving look can undo all the praise and encouragement that comes our way especially as we seek the approval of others and the love of God through our good works.

The missionary William Ward had this to say about discouragement – consider how it sits with you ……
“Discouragement is dissatisfaction with the past, distaste for the present, and distrust of the future. It is ingratitude for the blessings of yesterday, indifference to the opportunities of today, and insecurity regarding strength for tomorrow. It is unawareness of the presence of beauty, unconcern for the needs of our fellowman, and unbelief in the promises of old. It is impatience with time, immaturity of thought, and impoliteness to God.” 

I wonder if we should be people of discouragement or be encouraged by the reality that we are favoured by God. We get to choose. Do we worship a God of discouragement or a God of blessing?  We get to choose – agree with God or not!

Why nobility might be the answer

a blog by Kris Vallotton 24.04.2023

Have you ever looked at society and wondered if nobility, morality, and sacredness have been eroded from the roots of our history? It can feel like we live in a day and age when morality has become relative, nobility is most often found in fictional stories, and virtue-less people consider righteous standards as religious oppression. With this at the forefront of our news articles, I’ve recently been wrestling with the question: “What does it mean to be noble?”

Now, the truth is without the grace of God we would all be enslaved to the sins of this world, entangled by the snares of the enemy, and chained to the lies about our identity. But, the truth is even in a world that tells us feelings are fact and our temptations should be embraced, we are not defined by either of these things, but rather by the virtues we cling to. Continue reading “Why nobility might be the answer”