A Different Kind of Repenting

“Lord, I am so sorry and am grieving that I am not believing  I am righteous, and I repent of that right now.”

“Everyone who has been believing lies about God, others, your circumstances, or about yourself, run to the altar right now and repent.”

“Before you participate in communion repent of the belief that you are not 100% worthy to do so through Jesus’ obedience and death on the cross.”

These statements are not the norm in how we think, but maybe they should be? Because the Greek meaning of the word repentance is “to change the way you think”. We need to plan for some powerful repentance meetings (individually and corporately) where people will repent from beliefs like this:  

  1. “Lord, I am so sorry that I have believed that I am whom my past says I am and not who You say I am..”  
  2. “Father, I am so sorry that I have not believed You love me unconditionally..”
  3. “Lord, I am grieved that I have believed that I am a sinner instead of a saint.” and 
  4. “Father, I am experiencing deep Godly sorrow because I have believed I am unworthy to be blessed.”

Continue reading “A Different Kind of Repenting”

Invest love

Through the life and ministry of Jesus, Jesus invested his life, Jesus invested his love! Rather than moving away from people who were broken and even angry he moved toward them – toward us.

John 12:23-24 tells us he moved toward us willingly, and was completely and unequivocally prepared to die for those he loved. This act is an expression of the Father heart of God toward us. As I have said on this before, God’s actions in and through Jesus was a wilful act of God to deposit life, salvation, healing, strength into us.

God committed himself to us, with the hope that we might commit ourselves to him, that we might commit our lives toward one another. Continue reading “Invest love”