Have you ever been faced with a problem that feels impossible to solve? The kind that grieves your heart, brings worry to your mind, and leaves you lying awake as you think of all the ways there could be resolve?  I’d propose even with our best effort and intent we will not solve the world’s most pressing problems if we limit our thinking to earthly thoughts.

Further, I would propose that God uses the challenges in our lives to prepare us for our divine destiny! In the Kingdom of God ashes turn to beauty and takes our challenges and turns them to victories. The challenge is many Believers feel dismayed because they don’t realize the power they have access to. It is time to adjust our thinking, grab hold of our authority in Christ, and lean into the solution available to us as Believers.

What if problems became our faith builders and terrible situations increased our strength?  Continue reading “HEAVENLY SOLUTIONS TO EARTHLY PROBLEMS”

Problems are not our enemy

David in his battle with Goliath showed up and ran forward into the battle. Running forward takes a great deal of courage. If showing up to the battle is the first step of courage, running toward our giant is the second. Fear is one reason we we fail to engage in the battles that need to be fought. 

Another reason why many of us lack the courage we need to run forward is our lack of perspective. We see the presence of problems in our lives as a negative. We allow them to discourage us and get in the way of our victories. That is exactly what the enemy intends. He wants to distract us from our destiny through these giants. Often, they are the reason why people don’t reach the fulfilment of their lifelong passions. Continue reading “Problems are not our enemy”