The Imposter Syndrome

In a blog by Steve Backlund he says …… Imposter syndrome is a psychological occurrence in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent, internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud. 

One of the things my wife, Wendy, often shares is this: “You can only receive what you believe you are worth.” Whether it’s finances, favor, or power, once we get blessed beyond what we believe we are worth, we tend to self-sabotage our lives back down to the level at which we believe we deserve to be.

I have certainly experienced this in my own life. When I’ve gone to a higher level, it has put pressure on the strongholds in me that want to limit me and tell me I am not worthy or capable. The “accuser of the brethren” (the devil) works with those strongholds and often uses negative comparison to focus on what we’re not rather than what we are.  Continue reading “The Imposter Syndrome”


Neither could He deliver the tormented from demons or raise the dead. To believe otherwise is to ignore what He said about Himself, and more importantly, to miss the purpose of His self-imposed restriction to live as a man.

Jesus Christ said of Himself, “The Son can do nothing” (John 5:19). In the Greek language that word nothing has a unique meaning—it means nothing, just like it does in English! He was not God with skin on – He was not born with supernatural capabilities whatsoever! While He is 100 percent God, He chose to live with the same limitations that man would face once he was redeemed.  Continue reading “JESUS COULD NOT HEAL THE SICK”

Empowering Our Future with Mind Renewal – Part 2

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he”Proverbs 23:7
If we think we are weak, we are weak.
If we think we are less than others, we are less than others.
If we think we are righteous, we are righteous.
If we think a problem is a problem, then it is a problem.
If we think a problem is an opportunity, then it is an opportunity.

We can become the sum total of our repeated thoughts. We cannot consistently do what we don’t believe we are. For instance, if we try to act righteous, but we think (believe) we are a sinner, we will actually sin by faith, and this negative experience will bombard our thoughts with the lie we are prone to do wrong. Truly, our thought life is where the biggest spiritual battles are fought. Continue reading “Empowering Our Future with Mind Renewal – Part 2”

What defines you?

This question is not necessarily one that comes to mind on a daily basis but it is a question that rises up from time to time as you do life as you read the scriptures asking Holy Spirit to reveal new treasures with the the old. At least that is what I have discovered.

This week gone by has been just such a week. It began with the funeral of our friend and sister in Christ – Beth Strako who didn’t want a eulogy at her funeral. She didn’t want a eulogy to define her life – those who would attend would already know her story and what mattered to her. The week proceeded, it was busy with all sorts of things – moment by moment choices needed to be made on what mattered. Friday was the Gospel concert offered to us by the Johnstone River Singers – we had made a choice to let life, joy, song, and community define us and not fear, death, lose and isolation. The funeral was more than a funeral – the concert more than a concert. Continue reading “What defines you?”