What defines you?

This question is not necessarily one that comes to mind on a daily basis but it is a question that rises up from time to time as you do life as you read the scriptures asking Holy Spirit to reveal new treasures with the the old. At least that is what I have discovered.

This week gone by has been just such a week. It began with the funeral of our friend and sister in Christ – Beth Strako who didn’t want a eulogy at her funeral. She didn’t want a eulogy to define her life – those who would attend would already know her story and what mattered to her. The week proceeded, it was busy with all sorts of things – moment by moment choices needed to be made on what mattered. Friday was the Gospel concert offered to us by the Johnstone River Singers – we had made a choice to let life, joy, song, and community define us and not fear, death, lose and isolation. The funeral was more than a funeral – the concert more than a concert.

What defines you? I guess the answer to that question has many facets. The first answer that comes to mind is the choices you make and the risks you take define you. Yes, I know its Jesus who defines us, who gives us our identity. That might be our truth, our belief – but what really defines us is our words and actions. What we say and do! Believe what you like, but if the words and actions don’t match then its only a belief. 

Everything that Jesus said and did defined him as God’s son and the worlds Messiah. Moment by moment every choice Jesus made every word he spoke demonstrated who he was. Jesus is the one we should imitate but he is, dare I say, ‘a hard act to follow’

I guess that why I like Peter so much. Though he be impulsive, a little unfiltered, ‘fire-aim-ready’ sort of a guy I rather prefer him over the ones who live a life of risk averseness. For me Peter is defined by his willingness to risk it all, even though his life is a mixture of faith and fear. Peter is a very real picture of a person doing life trying to follow Jesus.

Peter tries to keep his eyes on Jesus. He is the one who fails falling forwards into Jesus’ hands. He is the one who tries to discern Jesus’ actions when Jesus comes walking on the water toward them. The one who seeks Jesus’ will and the one whom Jesus has eyes for in the moment of life discerning choices.

Will Peter misunderstand and fail Jesus again? Yep! Will Jesus avert his eyes from Peter because of his failure or will he all the more intently fix his gaze on him, ready to lift him up in the midst of his faulty efforts.

What does the voice of Jesus sound like to you when Jesus says to Peter “You of little faith .. why did you doubt?” Is it one of condemnation or encouragement?

Maybe your perception of God our Father is also defining!

Take some time to consider “What defines you”. Ask Holy Spirit to make it clear or not. The choice is up to you. What are you going to do?