CCUC weekly Pastoral Letter 9th May 2020

THANK  YOU I just wanted to start this weeks letter by expressing our gratitude to you for your generosity.
Thank you for blessing our little part of the body of Christ through your giving. 
Thank you
for making sure your offering made its way to the bank.
Thank you for the checks that have been mailed. 
Thank you
for the direct deposits, for changing the way you give so we can continue to function as a church. 
Thank you
for your gifts that came via our online giving capacity. 
Thank you
to our Presbytery, that in collaboration with the Synod is making sure we can pay our bills.

Reminds me a little of the early church as it is recorded in the Acts of the Apostles Acts 4:32 “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had … there were no needy persons among them”. Continue reading “CCUC weekly Pastoral Letter 9th May 2020”