Honour and Confrontation 

Over the last three weeks I have been encouraging you to have a ‘heart of honour’ so that our community of faith and you individually might live in a Culture of Honour. Over this time I have suggested to you that the way we do that is by pouring our strength into the lives of those around us. This week just past I asked you to believe and affirm that if we are to live in a ‘covenant of love’, then …..
“my life is committed to your life”
“we are better together – we are stronger together”

I credit Ps Danny Silk and Ps Bill Johnson with unpacking and teaching me these biblical truths. In a blog by Danny Silk April 2012 “Culture and Confrontation” he goes on to say ….. Continue reading “Honour and Confrontation “

What defines you?

This question is not necessarily one that comes to mind on a daily basis but it is a question that rises up from time to time as you do life as you read the scriptures asking Holy Spirit to reveal new treasures with the the old. At least that is what I have discovered.

This week gone by has been just such a week. It began with the funeral of our friend and sister in Christ – Beth Strako who didn’t want a eulogy at her funeral. She didn’t want a eulogy to define her life – those who would attend would already know her story and what mattered to her. The week proceeded, it was busy with all sorts of things – moment by moment choices needed to be made on what mattered. Friday was the Gospel concert offered to us by the Johnstone River Singers – we had made a choice to let life, joy, song, and community define us and not fear, death, lose and isolation. The funeral was more than a funeral – the concert more than a concert. Continue reading “What defines you?”

CCUC weekly Pastoral Letter 9th May 2020

THANK  YOU I just wanted to start this weeks letter by expressing our gratitude to you for your generosity.
Thank you for blessing our little part of the body of Christ through your giving. 
Thank you
for making sure your offering made its way to the bank.
Thank you for the checks that have been mailed. 
Thank you
for the direct deposits, for changing the way you give so we can continue to function as a church. 
Thank you
for your gifts that came via our online giving capacity. 
Thank you
to our Presbytery, that in collaboration with the Synod is making sure we can pay our bills.

Reminds me a little of the early church as it is recorded in the Acts of the Apostles Acts 4:32 “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had … there were no needy persons among them”. Continue reading “CCUC weekly Pastoral Letter 9th May 2020”