Weekly Pastoral Letter # 29th March 2020

To our friends, our brothers and sisters in Christ, the church

If I might borrow from Paul’s letter to the Thessalonian’s
We always thank God for you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember you before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thes 1:2-3)

This morning, as I was picturing your faces in church (thankfully you sit in the same places to make that easier) and praying as Paul prayed for you, I sensed a strengthening in my spirit and a compulsion share with you. Not that I have brilliant words like some, but rather just to say that I am glad we are in this time of trial (evil) together as a family as brothers. I know the concept of Australian mateship is a good thing and it is my prayer that it may triumph over the self-centred and self-serving behaviour of some. But let us not be condemning of people who are behaving ‘badly’ for if we were to condemn them then we must be prepared to have our behaviour judged similarly. Rather lets recognise that fear has a foothold in many lives and so as that happens the enemy has a place to land in the absence of love. Let’s pray for the presence of perfect love, Jesus, to find a home in every fearful heart. 

I must confess that every time I see footage of people trying to make it home to Australia or another cruise ship trying to berth at one of our ports it makes me cranky – cranky with those who might be importing more disease and with the authorities. However, when I do that I partner with the spirit of fear and the spirit of the world that puts ‘me first’, self-centredness and self-protection at the cost of others. So Holy Spirit shines a light into my stinking thinking and reminds me that as a follower of Jesus, I do not believe in ‘survival of the fittest’ nor should I practice excluding my neighbour on the basis of their behaviour. Everything about Jesus life speaks of moving toward our neighbour, loving them as ourselves. I encourage you to read the whole of Jesus discourse in Matthew’s gospel (ch 5-7) in the light of our present season. Please do not misunderstand – practice a good health regime – set appropriate boundaries for yourself for the care of others – honour the directions of our leaders – pray for them. But be careful what you partner with. If my rules applied our brother Bruce, a servant of the Lord, would be still in Indonesia instead of here with us.

You my friends are disciples of Jesus, imitate him. Practice loving as Jesus loved. He loved so much that he could forgive those who took his life.

Back to Paul’s letter to the Thesalonians …  in his words and with the intent of that letter I want to speak this over you.
Brothers and sisters you are loved by God
God has chosen you,
the gospel has come to you in power and transformed your life. Imitate Jesus,
imitate those who suffered  and sacrificed for the gospel.
May the Lord’s message ring out from you
in your words and especially your actions.
May your life bear such witness to God
that it enables those with whom you share life
to turn from false God’s and the idols of this world
to serving the living true God as you do,
as we wait eagerly for Jesus return.

If doom and gloom, fear and resignation visit your life, then can I invite you to come out of agreement with the enemy who is intent on us believing this is disease is a force to great to be reckoned with. This event has not caught God by surprise – his plans are for our good not for our harm, plans to give you a hope and a future, (Jer 29:11)

Instead partner with Jesus, remember the promises of God ‘He is our refuge and our fortress in whom we trust’ (adapted from Ps 91:2)

Can I remind you to ….
join us in 777 prayer 
7 minutes (min) at 7am and 7pm

Can I remind you to …
Pray boldly, as saints who have the keys of the kingdom for healing for the sick and protection for the vulnerable. 

Pray boldly for our world and our nation that the pandemic would slow and halt altogether

Pray for our leaders at all levels for wisdom and foresight in their decision making

Pray boldly for those whose livelihoods have been and are being deeply impacted for their provision and the resources of heaven to flow.

Can I remind you also to continue to support our mission through the CCUC financially. Even though the government offering relief and our church is doing all it can to support us we still have local bills to pay and obligations to meet. Please take a layer of stress of our Treasurer’s life by finding a way to give. Robert is probably the most faithful treasurer I know – he trust in God for our provision. One of the ways God provides is through us the church. We hope to have a safe and secure giving mechanism on our website soon. Please investigate and implement giving through direct deposit.  The details of our accounts follow.

Expect to receive a call from our ‘scattered church’ connect carers. Call one another. Join us if you can for ‘gathered church’ on facebook live Sundays 10.30am. Midweek online bible studies are going to pop up and we are planning for a ‘fun and meaningful’ midweek kids events.

Once again we prayer the favour of God be all over you.
Mark and Marie

Cassowary Coast Uniting Church bank details
ANZ Innisfail                              NAB Tully
bsb 014604                               bsb  084974
acc# 408989473                   acc# 509002236
reference:  Offering